Thursday, September 29, 2005


People leave behind a legacy that points to themselves. Will Christians leave behind a legacy that points to God? These day, many non-Christians have no difficulties with the person Jesus but with many Christians. What is the root cause of these Christians? They denied themselves the freedom to deny the lifestyles they embraced.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


These days, many churches adopt the “early bird” registration method for Christians to sign-up early for organised events. Isn't this approach of using money to entice? Isn't this method a cheap subsitute of dealing with the “late sign-up” attitudes of Christians? A Christian must see the cause of the event rather than the cost for the event in the decision making to sign-up.

To use the “early bird” method is subtly communicating that lateness is condoned. It is also subtly communicating desperation to secure the numbers in order to make event significant. By right, any event that is organised for God's cause is significant. For example, prayer meeting and Bible study class are significant events by itself. The number of Christians participating is irrelevant. Christians who signed up within the registration period are the right people for the event. Those who signed up late have more to think of their conveniences rather than God's cause.

Did Jesus said that once the dateline is due, the door will be closed and latecomers won't be entertained? So, have many churches subtly compromised the Biblical principle in adopting the worldly “early bird” principle?

Believe it, how a church organise an event or approach certain issues will speak volume how much they understand Biblical principles. Many Christians have Bible knowledge but no wisdom in real life application.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


The only fund raising that is Biblical in churches today is to pass the bag around. A Christian will give to God's work out of obedience. No frills needed and God will move the hearts. If the money did not come in through the Biblical means, then what is claimed to be “God's work” is in suspect. If fun fair is needed to subtly entice Christians to give. It is the work of men. It reflects that God needs other means of help from “brilliant” Christians to raise the money.

The Apostle Paul was a brilliant man. He was the tent maker. How come he did not come out with the “brilliant” idea of raising money for God's work through the selling of his hand made tents? How about Jesus auctioning his carpentry work of IKEA furnishing? How about Peter selling sushi so the Church can fulfill the Great Commission? How about tapping on Matthew's principles of making huge profit margin?

So one has to decide: Do churches resorting to fund raising methods express faith in an ALMIGHTY God? It seems like the WALK is not in line with the TALK... the church leadership is to be blamed for short changing Christians on what is faith in God is all about.

Friday, September 09, 2005


The general reason why people have one or more credit cards:

To buy things they DO NOT NEED with money they DO NOT HAVE to impress people they DO NOT KNOW or/and DO NOT LIKE.

Before signing up for a credit card or more, just ask one simple question: “Am I contented?”.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


These days, Christian ministries can be initiated with a personal agenda. To cover-up that hidden agenda, “Jesus” is being used as a front to justify the ministry and thus the name of God is used in vain. Just wondering how many church pastors or members are using “Jesus” as a puppet to get their personal agendas going.

How to spot the puppetry? The approach to the ministry work is inconsistent with the character of Jesus... and not many Christians really know who Jesus is... that is why many of them are being deceived to serve the personal agenda's of others thinking as though it was God's...

                  Grace Cheong
                  Grace Ho
                  Hai Liang
                  Hui Shan
                  Wei Juan
                  Xin Ying
                  Yun Qi
                  Zong Ren/Karene

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