Wednesday, May 25, 2005


The buzz word at the present moment is “buzz”. Buzzing means on going activities. When the whole of society buzzes, it equates as being “lively”. The “buzz” word is always used in relation to the bee hive. But today's definition for “buzz” is “high activity of entertainment”, not being “hard working” like the bees in the hive.

Two thousand years ago, the whole land of Israel was buzzing. People were literally on the move as they were running after Someone wherever He went. There were more than ten thousand at one setting went after Him for days that He had to feed them all.

The buzz word of that time was “Jesus”. He was buzzing like a bee in the hive(Israel). He said He came to do the will of the One who sent Him. Jesus became the talk of the town as He was buzzing around – healing the blind, the mute, various kinds of disease; raising the dead, casting out demons and His teachings of having a lifestyle that has a buzz from the inside out rather than a lifestyle that needs external factors to keep it buzzing.

Many churches today are full of buzzing. Look and listen carefully to what is the buzzing is all about. It may be found that the churches are not buzzing around like Jesus did to make an impact in society.

Monday, May 23, 2005


Those who worked in the logistics industries are familiar with the labeling “Condemned Item”. It denotes an item no longer of any use. A good example is a vehicle. In Singapore, the life span of a vehicle is 10 years and there after it is considered for scrap or condemned. Those earlier vehicle models can never be upgraded anyway as they where the ultimate as they can be when they were designed and produced. To improve the previous model, they have to redesign and improve the functions after much Research and Development. As no one can imagine what is the ultimate vehicle that can never be improved anymore, every model will end up as a condemned item in a matter of time once a new model is introduced. Has any one seen the first generation of hand phones still being used today?

When God created Man, he is the ultimate design because he is created like the ultimate - God Himself! It is wrong to say that God is upgrading the lives of those who believe in him. In fact, He is restoring them to what He had intended in the beginning - the ultimate design and Jesus is the ultimate model of what Man should be as Adam lost it. God’s desire is the restore every man to the ultimate through Jesus Christ. But a time will come when those who refuse the restoration, they will be condemned as they can be of no purpose to God Himself. The strange thing is that those who refuse to believe in Jesus Christ can practice the principle of condemning things around which of no use to them and yet cannot believe the principle that they will be condemned by God one day when they are of no use to Him….

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


If one is read the Bible carefully, “An Eye For A Guy” principle is found through out the Bible.

One example is Genesis 6:8-9 -
“But Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord… Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”

Another example is found in Job 1:1-8 -
“In the land of Uz, there lived a man whose name was Job… He was the greatest man among all the people of the East… Then the Lord said to satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”

Unlike the reality show where only one guy is to be picked and go to a short holiday destination with the girl, in the reality of God, every one can be picked by God as long as they meet the requirements and be with God in a holiday destination for all eternity somewhere in the future. Any one wants to be eyed by God?

Note* gals are included as the word “guy” used in this context is generic.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


If one were to frequent the public bus service, it is a common sight that time is wasted because people are not proactive to deal with the problem to get a perfect tap “all the time” on the EZ-link scanner. It seems that the passengers are not learning from their own experiences and of others to get the “tap and go” movement a breeze. Scenes like women have to dig into the handbag to find the card and men need to take out the card from the wallet when at the entrance/exit are common every day. Even knowing that the scanner is not 100% sensitive to scan the card from the handbag and the wallet, people still want to try their “luck” and a number eventually have take the card out to have a direct tab. If passengers are not proactive to notice the value of the card, the “tap and go” will not be a success also.

The Christian life seeks the same principle of “tap and go” movement. No procastination. If Christians were to be aware of the realities of life and the future as written in the Bible, they won't be procastinating by reacting wrongly to those situations. That is the reason why many had abandon the faith both in the past and the present when being disillusioned by the difficulties in life. The bible says that many more will abandon the faith in the future. If Christians are not reactively proactive to find out from the bible why many are abandoning the faith and be proactive, they will reactively become one when the time comes.

                  Grace Cheong
                  Grace Ho
                  Hai Liang
                  Hui Shan
                  Wei Juan
                  Xin Ying
                  Yun Qi
                  Zong Ren/Karene

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